When autumn winds blow and storms, when the veil between the worlds is at it’s thinnest, all of Sweden’s witches meet to celebrate the New Year, Samhain.
In the world of witches, day is born from night and life from darkness. In conversation with haggan, we get to listen to the elderly and their journey through a magical life.
In the evening we let you into the womb, to the stage where artists, performers and master of ceremonies meet in an innovation of ancient ceremonies and rituals. Where you can both witness and be part of creating magic. Come and stir the cauldron with us, come and be moved and touched.
HEXEN is an evening in the spirit of mystery and magic. We open the doors to a world that many of us never get to experience. We learn about the witch hunts but we never learn about the magic and healing that they performed.
The program starts at 1pm and ends at 11.30pm with a joint walk to Malin Matsdotter’s Ortagård to inaugurate it at midnight.
- Credit artists and witches
Jolanda Den Tredje, Sylvia Hild, Korpmor, Häxans Trädgård, Veronica Sierska , When The Blackbird Sings, Miranda Magdalena, Elisabeth Kedziora, Sorella Tatto, Wildherbarista mfl.